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Planning Board Minutes December 5, 2002
(603) 798-4350

DECEMBER 5, 2002

PRESENT: Chairman Tracy Scott, Dave Colbert, Joanna McIntosh, Skip Lawrence, Stan Brehm, Harold Arey and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Scott introduced the Board and asked the members of the Board to review the minutes of November 7, 2002.

Motion was made to accept the minutes as written.

                Arey/McIntosh                           (Passed)

Chairman Scott informed the public that the two Design Reviews for Mr. Mullaney and the discussion for the Daroska’s would not be heard tonight.

DISCUSSION:                             Mike Tardiff
                                        Central NH Regional Planning Commission (CNHRPC)
                                        Capital Improvement Program Schedule (CIP)
                                        Route 4 Corridor Study
                                        Representatives from State Department of Transportation

Mr. Tardiff explained to the Board the work of the CIP Committee and gave them a draft of the proposed CIP Schedule for the up coming years. These will be made available to the town by December 20 at the town hall and the library.

The schedule will be brought to Public Hearing at the January 2, 2003 meeting for the Board to approve.

Mr. Tardiff also discussed the Route 4 Corridor Study that has been funded in part by a grant from State of New Hampshire Department of Transportation and CNHRPC.  The study will begin at the Concord Town Line and continue just west of the Epsom traffic circle, where their study ended.  CNHRPC has requested volunteers for this project from the town.


Two gentlemen from NH Department of Transportation discussed the proposed change on Route 4 west and east of the traffic light. They will be discussing the corridor study with CNHRPC and the town in the future. Some of the issues brought forth at this discussion were the need for pedestrian crossing signals and sidewalks in all four directions of the intersection.

DESIGN REVIEW:                  Kevin Young & Patricia Humphrey
                                        Lot Line Adjustment
                                        Map 3, Lots 3 & 3B, Horse Corner Road

Abutters present:  Walter Sanborn

Webb Stout presented plans to the Board for this project. The amount of property will remain the same Mr. Young  & Ms. Humphrey are moving the side lot line so Mr. Young’s Driveway is on his property and the back lot line adjustment is to make the equal swap of land.

Design Review closed.

PUBLIC HEARING:                 Kevin Young & Patricia Humphrey
                                        Lot Line Adjustment
                                        Map 3, Lot 3 & 3B, Horse Corner Road

Abutters present: Walter Sanborn

Mr. Stout again presented the plans to the Board. There being no changes a motion was made to accept the Lot Line Adjustment.

                Arey/Lawrence                   (Passed)

DESIGN REVIEW:                  Fred & Alan Shaw
                                        Map 5, Lot 8, Main Street & Granny Howe Road
Abutters present: Walter Sanborn

Mark Stevens presented the Board with plans for the subdivision. There are four new lots all over five acres, septic designs are in the works, and driveway permits have been approved by the state. Everything is in order.

Design Review closed. Public Hearing set for December 23, 2002.


DISCUSSION:                     Michael Martineau
                                        Site Review – Wood Sculptures
                                        Map 4, Lot 157B, Dover Road  

Carl Sherblom presented the Board with plans for this proposal. Mr. Martineau had questions on parking and signage. Everything seems to be in order.

Design Review/Public Hearing set for January 2, 2003

DISCUSSION:                     Edith Bailat
                                        Map 4, Lot 147, Dover & Cross Roads

John Roke presented the Board with the plans for this project. There will be 3 lots divided off of the original lot. All looked in order.

Design Review/Public Hearing Set for January 2, 2003

PUBLIC HEARING:                 Zoning : Wetlands,  Impact Fee Wording and
Changing a Class VI to a Class V road

Wetlands zoning – Changes were discussed and made. Copies will be available to the public no later than December 20, 2002.

Impact Fee Wording – Changes were discussed and made. Copies will be available to the public no later than December 20, 2002

Changing a Class VI to a Class V road – is to be worked on

Public Hearing on all to be continued to January 2, 2003  

CIP final meeting Wednesday 12/11/02.

Motion was made to adjourn.

                Arey/Lawrence                   (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 9:30pm

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Tracy Scott